I don't do Santa, and here's why.....(I have in the past, and it just doesn't feel right)
It is confusing and disappointing when you become older and realize that it is fictitious. There will be enough disappointment that occurs naturally throughout their lives without me willingly creating another one for them.
I wrap gifts when I purchase them and put them under the tree...now THAT is exciting....shaking, wondering, guessing for weeks. Hiding gifts is a hassle and wrapping 5000 things on Christmas Eve makes me have a very-not-merry Christmas.
Planning, picking out, and shopping for gifts for my children is so very special. Purchasing them costs FAMILY money. I am not giving all of the credit for that to some fat, jolly dude in a red suit who is NEVER here for the hard times or the good times.
I refuse to threaten and scare my children with naughty or nice. I give them gifts for Christmas because I love them and I want to, no matter what challenges they face during the year.....
It's really unreasonable to expect your children to be nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of sugar-plums dance in their heads...if a stranger is expected to sneak in the house in the middle of the night...that's just creepy! It's not okay for anyone to enter our home in the middle of the night while we are sleeping. If we let Santa do it, who else might show up? Superman? A Smurf? The Wicked Witch of the West? No honey, only Santa is allowed...what a perfect disguise for a child molester! Santa is allowed and trusted, and I had better be "nice"!
My kids are still crazy excited over Christmas WITHOUT the element of bullshit. They STILL enjoy Christmas movies and books with Santas, but are able to accept Santa for the fictitious character that he is, right along with Scooby-Doo, Bugs Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. We still leave cookies and milk out, just for the novelty of it. They really don't give a shit that I didn't play the game with them. (I DO eat the cookies and drink the milk, and they are well aware that I did it, and not some home invader.)
The pics I DO have of my kiddos sitting on Santa's lap are cute, because my kiddos are cute. But I could just slap myself for making them do it. It was NEVER an idea of theirs to do it. They don't want to stand in that line any more than you do. Some are so afraid, they even cry. Forcing your children to pose on a strangers lap, and making them tell the stranger their desires, is just contrary to everything else we try to instill in them.
If you have decided to lie to your kids and play the exhausting game of Santa Claus, do not hold me and my kids responsible for maintaining your lie. I won't ask my children to lie for anyone.
I can see all of your points and I do agree most of them could be valid. But, I believed in Santa Claus, my kids believed in Santa Claus, and I daresay my grandchildren will too. Heck, we all still believe in Santa. :-) It's all a matter of how you present Santa ( no pun intended). At our house, Santa only brings on big gift ( The Santa gift). The rest of the gifts are like you do, all wrapped before Christmas, all from Mom and Dad and siblings. We used to open our gifts on Christmas Eve and then Christmas morning, Santa would have left the big gift and filled the stockings. After my extended family started growing, we had too many engagements to fit gift opening in on Christmas Eve, so we moved it to Christmas Morning. We still get up, see what Santa brought- he brings gifts for the doggies too- and then open our gifts to each other. I agree that the Santa myth could be risky/dangerous/hurtful to some families, but we never had a problem. I wonder what Santa will bring me this year :-)