Okay I have waited several days to forget about it, yet I still feel the need to address this, and I will apologize in advance that I have neither sugar to coat it in nor syrup to pour over the top......
I recently had a Facebook friend post pics of "Disturbing Toys." I can't seem to take my mind off of how small-minded some of us can be. We accept things as "the norm" because WHY? This toy was listed as a "Disturbing Toy", but not one pic portrayed a bottle-feeding baby doll, which, to me, is the MOST disturbing. We have indoctrinated our children for YEARS with bottle-feeding baby dolls, yet when a breastfeeding doll comes onto the scene, we are repulsed? Come on Mamas, your tits are for nourishing your babes, NOT formula in a bottle. I think this toy is amazing and desperately needed! If I had little girls, it would be under my tree this year. Hell, I may get it ANYWAY.
This is the FB caption:
"A girl wears a special halter top with flowers instead of nipples that cause the baby to make sucking sounds and move its mouth. The tagline for the toy reads, "Because you shouldn't have to wait until you have breasts before you start breastfeeding your baby." Umm...Well..yeah.. I think maybe you should. It is bad enough that they are selling dolls that pee and poop, but this takes it way beyond sanity!"
(^My reaction to the caption ~ GAG, PUKE, SCREAM)
The flower "nipples" are representative of something BEAUTIFUL and NATURAL, you moron.
I will take this moment to be a real bitch. The person that posted this is ALWAYS sick and so are the kiddos....
Be offended, and don't bother to comment to me on how you couldn't nurse because of this or that. I only nursed my daughter for six weeks, and only half-ass, because I was young, lazy, selfish, and stupid. At an older, wiser age, I nursed the boys for five years straight with impetigo, thrush, cracked, bleeding nipples, bleeding milk ducts, blocked milk ducts, mastitis, excruciating pain, giving up certain foods, meds, and drinks, no support from family, etc, etc, etc. By the time Josiah came along I had to "one-side" him. Go tell someone who loves to hear bullshit when you come up with your honorable, medical excuse for not nursing. Of course these cases exist, but not nearly as frequently as claimed.
Make your decision to give your child the bottle of formula, but don't condemn a toy that promotes the natural and best way to nourish a babe!
Get yours now, they have a boy, and a girl!!!! Now we need a toddler doll as well to promote tandem nursing! http://www.amazon.com/Berjuan-1502-Bebe-Gloton-Breastfeeding/dp/B002QIWRA0
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