Wednesday, October 6, 2010

~ Shatley Springs Ride, Sunday, October 3, 2010 ~

Mike and I on the 2009 ride. ENGAGED.
Mike and I on the 2010 ride. MARRIED - notice Mike has filled out a little! It's most definitely my fantabulous cooking.
Mike's friend has coordinated this ride for 13 years.This was my 2nd year on the ride. The ride has nice scenery, them some real good eats! I love doing this ride with my husband. I think a lot while I am riding. It was COLD this year! Since I didn't have a blog last year, I am going to include pics from the 2009 & 2010 rides.

My Facebook posts from the 2010 ride:

9am......hearing wham blasting from the convenience store speakers makes me wanna pump the shit out of some gas.

12:27pm.......just sat down at shatley springs, thinking, "hurry up and bring me sum pintos n cooked cabbages bitches! has been a long, cold ride. thawing out at hooper's with fat tire and wings. slizzered.






We stopped here on the way back....

This lead singer pronounced 'motorcycle'....'motorSICLE', like popSICLE
Biker chicks gettin' down.

Stan & Wanda!

We picked up some take-out for the kids on the way back in. Ghetto-style. 






WHAM! I don't want to play around. I don't want nobody's baby. Part-time love just brings me down ...

Me ~ Riding Camera Happy

My baby gets DOWN in some curves.

My baby also takes a leak on 77...

Me trying to stay warm ~ STILL Camera Happy!

Josiah would be so pissed if he knew he missed this!

Ended the ride with a rainbow!

Two drafts at Hooper's: Fat Tire & 1554, then home....Put on my flannel PJ's & went to bed at 7pm.

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