Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Today we did a Field Trip to our Attorney's office. We walked too! It was almost 3/4 mile. We sat on the front steps of the office and ate pecans from the ground. The boys had a blast cracking them open. I hope our attorney doesn't add those to our bill. We learned all about making a Will.

Sam did one Multiplication Worksheet and took three Multiplication Quizzes. He is still making his 6s backwards....lol....drives me (OCD)  insane, but I just remind him over and over. He did Compound Words in his Sylvan "Reading Success" book. I have to say his reading has improved by leaps and bounds since he left school and everyone left him the hell alone. All we have done is read and read and read...books...that we enjoy....and a year later he picks up his Reading Workbook he used to struggle with and Bam! breezes right through it.

Josiah did several pages in his Math Workbook. 

Husband is flying up to Red Wing, Minnesota tomorrow on business, so we had to tag it on our map of the US and talk about where it is, borders, weather, etc.

We went through our Bird ID book and pointed out all of the birds we have spotted so far since we started our Birder Adventures. We decided to make a Display of all of our bird pics/birds, so I am going to go through and pick out the best ones to have printed. We looked at other birds as well, and the boys are particularly interested in the Raptors. The Roadrunner was also of great interest. The boys have decided that we need to visit the Raptor Center ASAP. Even though they have been many times before, apparently they just now care...lol. We decided that we need to dissect our new owl pellet ASAP as well. Sam noticed the Size category for each bird, and started asking, "Well how big is that?" I sent him to grab my tape measure...I called the inches for each bird and he showed it to us on the tape measure. BIG WOW when we looked at the wing span on some of the Raptors! Sam really got excited about the tape measure and measured everything in the house, recording his results in his notebook.

We read several books....Why Leaves Change Color, Martin Luther King Jr, Saint Patrick's Day, and the Worm Book. We reviewed how to care for our red Wrigglers. The boys remembered that the Earth Worm has five sets of hearts and suggested we dissect our Earth Worm we ordered from Home Science Tools months ago to find the hearts... I'm. Not. Ready.

The boys chose to make a box of Organic Macaroni and Cheese as their contribution to dinner...well, two boxes, because each box is only 2.5 servings, not enough for our family for dinner. Oh boy! Doubling a recipe! Interesting: Josiah has never been to school, and just doesn't get worksheets the way Sam does....but when it came to doubling the recipe (real life Math), Josiah (6) was like, Duh! and completely got it...but Sam (9)...who has been to school and has had the common sense drilled out of him by worksheets, was so confused over simple math because....it wasn't watered down on a worksheet!

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